It seems like there’s a week to celebrate everything. There’s National Pet Appreciation Week in June, and Everybody Deserves a Massage Week in July. August brings National Psychic Week (but maybe you already knew that), and September has National Line Dance Week. Some of the weeks seem pretty silly, but others deserve to be taken seriously. October 8 – 14 is one of those weeks: National Fire Safety Week. Everyone should be aware of the reasons fires start and the necessary safety precautions.

Chimney Inspection

National Fire Safety Week - Harrisonburg VA - Old DominionThere are many causes of fires that all homeowners should be aware of. One of these is not keeping your fireplace and chimney cleaned and properly maintained. This is simple to do yet neglected by many homeowners. The Chimney Safety Institute of America and the National Fire Protection Agency recommend annual inspections. These insure that the creosote level does not get too high, that there are no obstructions that could be potential fire hazards, and that there is no structural or chimney system damage.

Plan of Action

Another important thing that you should think about during National Fire Safety Week is your plan of action during a fire. First of all, it’s important to make sure that the batteries in your smoke and fire detectors are working. Check the batteries montly and change them every six months. National Fire Safety Week is a great time to do that! If there is a fire, it is of the utmost importance that you and your family practice and plan an escape route. Finally, plan where to meet outside of your home to ensure everyone is safe and accounted for.

Choose a Trusted Chimney Sweep Company

There are several things to look for in a chimney sweep company ensuring the highest of quality and safety going forward. One thing is chimney professional certification. This certification ensures that your technicians have the best training and on-going education possible. Look for other certifications as well. Years in business is a good indication that a company will give good service; a company would not stay in business long if it wasn’t doing things right. Old Dominion Chimneys has over 30 years of experience in protecting homes and families in the central Virginia area. Call them today to experience what exceptional service looks like and you’ll be glad you did!